The Ultimate Case Management System
You're an expert. The tools you carry should reflect that.
"The Case File" is a comprehensive take-it-with-you case management system written by investigators for investigators. It's designed to go everywhere you go and cover every aspect of a case from client / job intake, through a complete investigation, to final adjudication.
Used by private investigators, attorneys, paralegals, law enforcement detectives, and investigative journalists for years, The Case File has become an industry standard for both in-the-field and in-the-office investigative case management.
About the System
Detail, organization, standardization, and adaptability are requirements of any system designed to help investigators improve the efficiency of their efforts, to be more organized and professional, and to increase their financial bottom line. Designed by an investigator for investigators, "The Case File" more than meets those requirements.
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About the Author
Paul Purcell is an Atlanta-based security analyst and preparedness consultant with more than 20 years of risk management and preparedness experience. His years of investigative service have provided him with a wealth of information regarding the organization and preparation of both criminal and civil investigations and he has created The Case File to share these tools with you.
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